成為 Bloemen & Blue 的朋友,成為第一個了解新鮮系列、獨家贈品和“Out of the Blue”副本的人

With the Wind in our Faces

With the Wind in our Faces

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An Original (1 of 1) Statement Seascape in Cyanotype.  Hear the rush of the waves, with the cry of the gulls and feel the salty wind in your face.  Stand at the water's edge and just be.

The sky adorned with shades of deep, moody blues as the clouds gather to usher in the day. The horizon a mysterious line where the sea meets the sky, barely distinguishable.

  • 35cm x 31cm Image size.  

The 'Horizon Series' has been created using only the traditional Cyanotype Iron solutions, but in different dilutions, and with various exposure times, a palette of blues evolves that is deeply reminiscent of the 'Western Isles'.  The blue at the far edge of what can be seen.

To find out more about how Cyanotype Prints are made by viewing The Process.