Why Blue?
CYANOTYPE is a photographic process invented 180 years ago. Using the Alchemy of the Sun’s rays on Iron Compounds results in an insoluble blue dye. But by altering some of that alchemy my cyanotype originals go beyond the single hue of ‘Prussian Blue’ traditionally associated with cyanotype. Instead what you'll see is a palette of blues from its hints to its depths.
Shaped by a childhood beside the sea, a passion for swimming and the natural garden of Wiltshire’s rolling hills. Stand in the elements at the water's edge, interrupt your worries & look at an horizon that whispers of possibilities beyond.
Bloemen & Blue

Mood to Moment, Live by the Currents, Plan by the Tides and Follow the Sun......

'Torn to the Sea ~ Seeking the Horizon'
180 ° Horizons with Immense, Uninterrupted Skies ~ The Sea Speaks to the Soul.

Shaped by my love of cold water swimming - exhilaration that lasts the day. Jump in and find yourself.

Hand Collected and Hand Pressed flowers and leaves are Transformed into Handprinted Photographs of Ethereal Blue